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Plot Twist!

We had a bit of an unexpected turn of events happen a couple weeks ago...which could mean small changes or huge changes...but changes there will certainly be!

For the past five years, the house where I live and where we hold all of our clubs has been for sale (we were only renting the building), but it wasn't selling as it was listed at a fairly high price. But a couple of weeks ago, it finally sold. We were given three weeks to move out and find a new place (by January 3).

Buildings suited to our needs are very difficult to come by in this truly could mean an entire shift in plans for everyone. In the meantime we are searching for a home for the ministry to carry on. (I too will need to find a place to stay).

I threw together a little slideshow reflecting on some of the clubs and events we have had. And for those of you who haven't been able to quite put together a picture of what the programs have looked like, this might help :)

To be honest I am a bit excited and curious to see what these changes will result in, as it is obvious to me that God is up to something.

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